Cobleskill Lodge #394 F & AM

A Brief History of Cobleskill Lodge #394 F & AM

   On December 25, 1855 a group of Schoharie county Free & Accepted Masons gathered at the Summit Lake House to organize a new masonic lodge in the area. A provisional warrent was issued by Grand Lodge to create Summit Lake Lodge #394. According to the minutes of that meeting the following Mason's names were submitted to Grand Lodge to serve as officers for this new lodge: Worshipful Master: Isaac Mann, Senior Warden: E.M. Comstock, Junior Warden: E.Boies, Secretary: T.B. Van Alstine, and Treasurer: John Westover.

Wor. Bro. Isaac Mann, first Master of Cobleskill Lodge #394 F & AM

   Meetings were known to be held there for a few months, but by April of 1856 the meeting location had been moved to the upper floor of Worshipful Master Mann's Bakery shop located on Main Street in Richmondville. At this point the Lodge name was changed to Richmondville Lodge #394. On June 24th, 1856 Grand Lodge granted a charter to Richmondville Lodge #394 and on July 10th a great public ceremony was held with parades, church services and the public installation of officers. Membership grew rapidly, taking in candidates from all over the county. On August 23rd, 1859 the meeting minutes indicate that they examined some Brothers who had petitioned Grand Lodge to form a new Lodge in Schoharie. In 1860 we find it recorded that a delegation was sent to Grand Lodge to procure a dispensation to hold meetings alternatelty in Cobleskill and Richmondville. In June of 1861 a petition was sent to Grand Lodge to move the Lodge to Cobleskill. The Lodge was actually moved to a house in Warnerville then owned by Martin Fries. On June 7th, 1862 Grand Lodge passed a resolution to change the name of the Lodge to Cobleskill #394. In June of 1864 Brothers of the Lodge petitioned to form a new Lodge in the town of Jefferson.


In July of 1865 the Lodge was moved again to a new building on the corner of North Grand Street and Chapel Street.

In February of 1867 Brothers of the Lodge petitioned to form a new Lodge in the village of Middleburgh. On November 8th, 1891, the Brothers of Cobleskill Lodge paid their last respects to their first Worshipful Master, Brother Isaac Mann.

At some point between 1891 and 1919 the Lodge moved again to the upper floor of the Courier House, now known as The Bull's Head Inn, and then later to the third floor of the Selkirk Harware Building on the corner of Union and Main. This floor no longer exists due to a fire in later years. Here is a picture of that building.

In 1919 the Brothers voted to purchase to old Dutch Reformed Church on the corner of Washington and Main, the current location of Cobleskill Lodge.

Past Masters of Cobleskill Lodge #394

1855 - 1859 1 Isaac Mann
1860 2 Dr. Sylvester M. Van Alstyne
1861 PM 1 Isaac Mann, PM
1862 3 Peter Swart
1863 - 1864 PM 1 Isaac Mann, PM
1865 - 1867 4 Luther T. Fox
1868 - 1872 5 Sanford J. Thatcher
1873 6 John J. Dickenson
1874 7 John M. Dean
1875 - 1877 8 Martin D. Borst
1878 - 1883 PM 5 Sanford J. Thatcher, PM
1884 9 John S. Pinder
1885 - 1888 10 Henry Bellinger
1889 - 1890 11 Lawrence W. Baxter
1891 - 1892 12 William J. Miller
1893 - 1894 13 George M. Palmer, later DDGM 1912
1895 - 1896 14 Frank M. Dunkle
1897 - 1898 15 Willard Almy
1899 - 1900 16 Edward Schultz
1901 - 1902 17 Sanford S. Meyers
1903 - 1904 18 Leslie T. Browne
1905 - 1906 19 Seward H. Van Ness, Later GDC 1906
1907 20 George D. Ryder
1908 21 George J. Dann
1909 - 1910 22 William H. Golding, Later GREP Paraiba 1935
1911 PM 16 Edward Schultz, PM
1912 - 1913 23 Ellsworth J. Roberts
1914 - 1916 24 Charles A. Letts
1917 - 1918 25 Charles B. Jones
1919 26 Harry M. Greenwald, Later DDGM 1942
1920 27 Harold T. Smith
1921 28 Carl S. Dillenbeck
1922 29 Maynard K. Van Deusen
1923 30 James F. France
1924 - 1925 31 George E. Fake, Later GSB 1927
1926 32 William C. Ruland, Later DDGM 1933
1927 33 Glen A. Brewer
1928 34 Clarence A. Turk
1929 35 Claude R. Clark
1930 36 Harry F. Ruland
1931 37 William R. Packer, Later GSB 1957
1932 38 Sharon J. Mauhs
1933 39 Milo R. Kniffen
1934 40 Edmund H. Rich
1935 41 Edmund N. Moot
1936 42 H. Irving Chase
1937 43 Charles R. Salsburgh
1938 44 Leffert P. Van Schaick
1939 45 Archie W. Hynds
1940 46 James L. Warner, Later GREP Dist. of Col. 1946
1941 47 Harold M. Barnes
1942 48 Robert S. McMorris
1943 PM 44 Leffert P. Van Schaick, PM
1944 - 1945 49 Herbert C. Frosell
1946 50 Franklin M. Holmes
1947 51 Harold L. Bradner, Later GDC 1971
1948 52 Allan P. Smith
1949 53 William E. Filkins, DSA
1950 54 Max R. Fosmire
1951 55 Robert M. Northrup, Later AGL 1955
1952 56 Frederick P. Phillips
1953 57 Robert E. Potts
1954 58 Robert L. Fraats
1955 59 Jerry F. Tryon, later DDGM 1960
1956 60 Glen F. Schaffer, later DDGM 1978
1957 61 John M. Slater
1958 62 Charles W. Fosmire
1959 PM 60 Glen F. Schaffer, PM, later DDGM 1978
1960 - 1961 63 Oliver D. Mereness, later GDC 1983
1962 64 Harold J. Loder***
1963 65 Walter J. Meyers
1964 66 Robert G. Wilcox
1965 67 Ralph J. Karker
1966 68 Jon Nevius
1967 69 Morris Dillenbeck
1968 - 1969 70 C. Albert Simmons
1970 71 John A. Grossbeck, later GREP Utah 1998
1971 72 Jacob C. Schall
1972 73 Raymond P. Aldrich
1973 74 Bion F. Call
19374 75 Calvin A. May Jr.
1975 76 Raymond N. Jorgensen
1976 77 Hanford J. Shultis
1977 - 1978 78 Gary H. Porn, NPD***
1979 79 Raynor B. Duncombe***Dimitted
1980 80 David C. Jorgensen, NPD
1981 PM 63 Oliver D. Mereness, PM later GDC 1983
1982 - 1983 81 William C. Mau
1984 82 Henry J. Whitbeck, NPD
1985 - 1986 83 George B. Walker
1987 - 1988 84 Rev. Herbert F. Mayne Jr., Later GC 1996***
1989 85 Michael D. Weisberg, later AGL 2015, GSB 2016, RAGL 2018***
1990 86 Peter J. Lindemann, later DDGM 2006***
1991 - 1992 87 Alison L. Aumick, later GS 2006***
1993 88 Joseph A. Phillips, later AGL 2000***
1994 PM 85 Michael D. Weisberg, PM, later AGL 2015, GSB 2016, RAGL 2018***
1995 - 1996 89 Allan L. Nixon, Later AGL 1998, NPD***
1997 PM 84 Rev. Herbert F. Mayne Jr., GC, PM***
1998 - 1999 PM 88 Joseph A. Phillips, PM, later AGL 2000***
2000 PM 84 Rev. Herbert F. Mayne Jr., GC, PM***
2001 PM 71 John A. Grossbeck, PGREP, PM
2002 PM 87 Alison L. Aumick, PM, later GS 2006***
2003 - 2004 90 Todd A. Delmarter***
2005 91 Roy A. Bilby, later AGL 2005, DDGM 2012***
2006 PM 84 Rev. Herbert F. Mayne Jr., GC, PM***
2007 92 Matthew J. Edmister***
2008 93 Karl F. Schwarzenegger***
2009 PM 91 Roy A. Bilby, PM, PAGL, later DDGM 2012***
2010 94 Daniel A. Houde***
2011 95 Cooney R. Walters***
2012 - 2013 96 Phillip J. Loeper Jr.***
2014 - 2015 97 Theodore B. Shuart III***
2016 98 Kristofer Kinnear, dimitted***
2017 - 2019 99 Steven F. Garreau***
2019 - 2021 100 Theodore C. Volkert, PM, PAGL, PDDGM, RAGL***
2021 - 2022 PM 85 Michael D. Weisberg, PM, PAGL, PGSB, RAGL***
2022 - 2024 101 Nathan B. Davis***

Past Grand Lodge Officers from Cobleskill Lodge #394

   Seward H. Van Ness, Grand Director of Ceremonies, 1912

   George M. Palmer, District Deputy Grand Master, 1912

   George E. Fake, Grand Sword Bearer, 1927

   William C. Ruland, District Deputy Grand Master, 1933

   William H. Golding, Grand Representative to Paraiba, 1935

   Harry M. Greenwald, District Deputy Grand Master, 1942

   James L. Warner, Grand Representative to the District of Columbia, 1946

   Robert Northrup, Assistant Grand Lecturer, 1955

   William R. Packer, Grand Sword Bearer, 1957

   Jerry F. Tryon, District Deputy Grand Master, 1960

   Harlod L. Bradner, Grand Director of Ceremonies, 1971

   Glen F. Schaffer, District Deputy Grand Master, 1978

   Oliver D. Mereness, Grand Director of Ceremonies, 1983

   Rev. Herbert F. Mayne Jr., Grand Chaplain, 1996 ***

   Alan L. Nixon, Assistant Grand Lecturer, 1998 ***

   Joseph A. Phillips, Assistant Grand Lecturer, 2000 ***

   John A. Grossbeck, Grand Representative to Utah, 2004

   Roy A. Bilby, Assistant Grand Lecturer, 2005 ***

   Peter J. Lindemann, District Deputy Grand Master, 2006 ***

   Fenton R. Mereness Jr., Grand Pursuivant, Grand Lodge of California, 2006 ***

   Alison L. Aumick, Grand Steward, 2006 ***

   Theodore C. Volkert, Assistant Grand Lecturer, 2010 ***

   Roy A. Bilby, District Deputy Grand Master, 2012 ***

   Michael D. Weisberg, Assistant Grand Lecturer of Albany District, 2015 ***

   Michael D. Weisberg, Grand Sword Bearer of Old 17th District, 2016 ***

   Theodore C. Volkert, District Deputy Grand Master, 2016 ***

   Michael D. Weisberg, Regional Assistant Grand Lecturer of East Hudson-Champlain, 2018 - present ***

   Theodore C. Volkert, Regional Assistant Grand Lecturer of West Hudson-Champlain, 2018 - present***

   Michael D. Weisberg, Grand Chaplain, 2023 - present ***

Dedicated Service Award Recipients from Cobleskill Lodge #394

   W:. Jacob C. Schall, DSA

   W:. William E. Filkins, DSA

   Bro. Franz J. Baier, DSA

   Bro. Water G. Mau, DSA

   Bro. David G. Miller, DSA***

   Bro. Roger "RJ" Mallery, DSA***

   W:. Bro. Ivan Cole, DSA, via merger with Working Lodge #554***

Wendell K. Walker Award Recipients from Cobleskill Lodge #394

   W:. Todd Del Marter, PM, WKW***

Daniel Carter Beard Award Recipients from Cobleskill Lodge #394

   W:. Karl F. Schwarzenegger, PM, DCB***

   R:.W:.Al Aumick, PGS, PM, DCB***

   R:.W:. Roy A. Bilby, PDDGM, PAGL, PM, DCB***

Life Members of Cobleskill Lodge #394

   Bro. James H. Kitchen***

   W:.Bro. Harold J. Loder***

   R:.W:.Bro. Fenton R. Mereness Jr.***

   W:.Bro. Ivan Cole***